Merge branch 'main' into testE2E-timezone

This commit is contained in: 2024-01-09 17:24:40 +05:45 committed by GitHub
commit 377ccaa7e5
No known key found for this signature in database
15 changed files with 123 additions and 397 deletions

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ name: "Next.js Bundle Analysis"
- main
@ -34,7 +35,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Download base branch bundle stats
uses: dawidd6/action-download-artifact@v2
if: success() && github.event.number
if: success()
workflow: nextjs-bundle-analysis.yml
branch: ${{ github.event.pull_request.base.ref }}
@ -54,39 +55,39 @@ jobs:
# Either of these arguments can be changed or removed by editing the `nextBundleAnalysis`
# entry in your package.json file.
- name: Compare with base branch bundle
if: success() && github.event.number
if: success()
run: |
cd apps/web
ls -laR .next/analyze/base && npx -p nextjs-bundle-analysis compare
- name: Get comment body
id: get-comment-body
if: success() && github.event.number
if: success()
run: |
cd apps/web
body=$(cat .next/analyze/__bundle_analysis_comment.txt)
echo ::set-output name=body::$body
echo "{name}={$body}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- name: Find Comment
uses: peter-evans/find-comment@v1
if: success() && github.event.number
uses: peter-evans/find-comment@v2
if: success()
id: fc
issue-number: ${{ github.event.number }}
body-includes: "<!-- __NEXTJS_BUNDLE_@calcom/web -->"
- name: Create Comment
uses: peter-evans/create-or-update-comment@v1.4.4
uses: peter-evans/create-or-update-comment@v3
if: success() && github.event.number && steps.fc.outputs.comment-id == 0
issue-number: ${{ github.event.number }}
body: ${{ steps.get-comment-body.outputs.body }}
- name: Update Comment
uses: peter-evans/create-or-update-comment@v1.4.4
uses: peter-evans/create-or-update-comment@v3
if: success() && github.event.number && steps.fc.outputs.comment-id != 0
issue-number: ${{ github.event.number }}

View File

@ -64,6 +64,25 @@ export async function patchHandler(req: NextApiRequest) {
where: { id: teamId, members: { some: { userId, role: { in: ["OWNER", "ADMIN"] } } } },
if (!_team) throw new HttpError({ statusCode: 401, message: "Unauthorized: OWNER or ADMIN required" });
// Check if parentId is related to this user
if (data.parentId && data.parentId === teamId) {
throw new HttpError({
statusCode: 400,
message: "Bad request: Parent id cannot be the same as the team id.",
if (data.parentId) {
const parentTeam = await{
where: { id: data.parentId, members: { some: { userId, role: { in: ["OWNER", "ADMIN"] } } } },
if (!parentTeam)
throw new HttpError({
statusCode: 401,
message: "Unauthorized: Invalid parent id. You can only use parent id of your own teams.",
let paymentUrl;
if (_team.slug === null && data.slug) {
data.metadata = {

View File

@ -68,6 +68,18 @@ async function postHandler(req: NextApiRequest) {
// Check if parentId is related to this user
if (data.parentId) {
const parentTeam = await{
where: { id: data.parentId, members: { some: { userId, role: { in: ["OWNER", "ADMIN"] } } } },
if (!parentTeam)
throw new HttpError({
statusCode: 401,
message: "Unauthorized: Invalid parent id. You can only use parent id of your own teams.",
// TODO: Perhaps there is a better fix for this?
const cloneData: typeof data & {
metadata: NonNullable<typeof data.metadata> | undefined;

View File

@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
// originally from in the "experimental playground for tRPC + next.js 13" repo owned by trpc team
// file link:
// repo link:
// code is / will continue to be adapted for our usage
import { dehydrate, QueryClient } from "@tanstack/query-core";
import type { DehydratedState, QueryKey } from "@tanstack/react-query";
import type { Maybe, TRPCClientError, TRPCClientErrorLike } from "@calcom/trpc";
import {
type AnyProcedure,
type AnyQueryProcedure,
type AnyRouter,
type DataTransformer,
type inferProcedureInput,
type inferProcedureOutput,
type inferRouterContext,
type MaybePromise,
type ProcedureRouterRecord,
} from "@calcom/trpc/server";
import { createRecursiveProxy, createFlatProxy } from "@trpc/server/shared";
export function getArrayQueryKey(
queryKey: string | [string] | [string, ...unknown[]] | unknown[],
type: string
): QueryKey {
const queryKeyArrayed = Array.isArray(queryKey) ? queryKey : [queryKey];
const [arrayPath, input] = queryKeyArrayed;
if (!input && (!type || type === "any")) {
return Array.isArray(arrayPath) && arrayPath.length !== 0 ? [arrayPath] : ([] as unknown as QueryKey);
return [
...(typeof input !== "undefined" && { input: input }),
...(type && type !== "any" && { type: type }),
// copy starts
// copied from trpc/trpc repo
// ref:
function transformQueryOrMutationCacheErrors<
TState extends DehydratedState["queries"][0] | DehydratedState["mutations"][0]
>(result: TState): TState {
const error = result.state.error as Maybe<TRPCClientError<any>>;
if (error instanceof Error && === "TRPCClientError") {
const newError: TRPCClientErrorLike<any> = {
message: error.message,
shape: error.shape,
return {
state: {
error: newError,
return result;
// copy ends
interface CreateTRPCNextLayoutOptions<TRouter extends AnyRouter> {
router: TRouter;
createContext: () => MaybePromise<inferRouterContext<TRouter>>;
transformer?: DataTransformer;
* @internal
export type DecorateProcedure<TProcedure extends AnyProcedure> = TProcedure extends AnyQueryProcedure
? {
fetch(input: inferProcedureInput<TProcedure>): Promise<inferProcedureOutput<TProcedure>>;
fetchInfinite(input: inferProcedureInput<TProcedure>): Promise<inferProcedureOutput<TProcedure>>;
prefetch(input: inferProcedureInput<TProcedure>): Promise<inferProcedureOutput<TProcedure>>;
prefetchInfinite(input: inferProcedureInput<TProcedure>): Promise<inferProcedureOutput<TProcedure>>;
: never;
type OmitNever<TType> = Pick<
[K in keyof TType]: TType[K] extends never ? never : K;
}[keyof TType]
* @internal
export type DecoratedProcedureRecord<
TProcedures extends ProcedureRouterRecord,
TPath extends string = ""
> = OmitNever<{
[TKey in keyof TProcedures]: TProcedures[TKey] extends AnyRouter
? DecoratedProcedureRecord<TProcedures[TKey]["_def"]["record"], `${TPath}${TKey & string}.`>
: TProcedures[TKey] extends AnyQueryProcedure
? DecorateProcedure<TProcedures[TKey]>
: never;
type CreateTRPCNextLayout<TRouter extends AnyRouter> = DecoratedProcedureRecord<TRouter["_def"]["record"]> & {
dehydrate(): Promise<DehydratedState>;
queryClient: QueryClient;
const getStateContainer = <TRouter extends AnyRouter>(opts: CreateTRPCNextLayoutOptions<TRouter>) => {
let _trpc: {
queryClient: QueryClient;
context: inferRouterContext<TRouter>;
} | null = null;
return () => {
if (_trpc === null) {
_trpc = {
context: opts.createContext(),
queryClient: new QueryClient(),
return _trpc;
export function createTRPCNextLayout<TRouter extends AnyRouter>(
opts: CreateTRPCNextLayoutOptions<TRouter>
): CreateTRPCNextLayout<TRouter> {
const getState = getStateContainer(opts);
const transformer = opts.transformer ?? {
serialize: (v) => v,
deserialize: (v) => v,
return createFlatProxy((key) => {
const state = getState();
const { queryClient } = state;
if (key === "queryClient") {
return queryClient;
if (key === "dehydrate") {
// copy starts
// copied from trpc/trpc repo
// ref:
const dehydratedCache = dehydrate(queryClient, {
shouldDehydrateQuery() {
// makes sure errors are also dehydrated
return true;
// since error instances can't be serialized, let's make them into `TRPCClientErrorLike`-objects
const dehydratedCacheWithErrors = {
return () => transformer.serialize(dehydratedCacheWithErrors);
// copy ends
return createRecursiveProxy(async (callOpts) => {
const path = [key, ...callOpts.path];
const utilName = path.pop();
const ctx = await state.context;
const caller = opts.router.createCaller(ctx);
const pathStr = path.join(".");
const input = callOpts.args[0];
if (utilName === "fetchInfinite") {
return queryClient.fetchInfiniteQuery(getArrayQueryKey([path, input], "infinite"), () =>
caller.query(pathStr, input)
if (utilName === "prefetch") {
return queryClient.prefetchQuery({
queryKey: getArrayQueryKey([path, input], "query"),
queryFn: async () => {
const res = await callProcedure({
procedures: opts.router._def.procedures,
path: pathStr,
rawInput: input,
type: "query",
return res;
if (utilName === "prefetchInfinite") {
return queryClient.prefetchInfiniteQuery(getArrayQueryKey([path, input], "infinite"), () =>
caller.query(pathStr, input)
return queryClient.fetchQuery(getArrayQueryKey([path, input], "query"), () =>
caller.query(pathStr, input)
}) as CreateTRPCNextLayout<TRouter>;

View File

@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
import { serverSideTranslations } from "next-i18next/serverSideTranslations";
import { headers } from "next/headers";
import superjson from "superjson";
import { CALCOM_VERSION } from "@calcom/lib/constants";
import prisma, { readonlyPrisma } from "@calcom/prisma";
import { appRouter } from "@calcom/trpc/server/routers/_app";
import { createTRPCNextLayout } from "./createTRPCNextLayout";
export async function ssgInit() {
const locale = headers().get("x-locale") ?? "en";
const i18n = (await serverSideTranslations(locale, ["common"])) || "en";
const ssg = createTRPCNextLayout({
router: appRouter,
transformer: superjson,
createContext() {
return { prisma, insightsDb: readonlyPrisma, session: null, locale, i18n };
// i18n translations are already retrieved from serverSideTranslations call, there is no need to run a i18n.fetch
// we can set query data directly to the queryClient
const queryKey = [
["viewer", "public", "i18n"],
{ input: { locale, CalComVersion: CALCOM_VERSION }, type: "query" },
ssg.queryClient.setQueryData(queryKey, { i18n });
return ssg;

View File

@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
import { type GetServerSidePropsContext } from "next";
import { serverSideTranslations } from "next-i18next/serverSideTranslations";
import { headers, cookies } from "next/headers";
import superjson from "superjson";
import { getLocale } from "@calcom/features/auth/lib/getLocale";
import { CALCOM_VERSION } from "@calcom/lib/constants";
import prisma, { readonlyPrisma } from "@calcom/prisma";
import { appRouter } from "@calcom/trpc/server/routers/_app";
import { createTRPCNextLayout } from "./createTRPCNextLayout";
export async function ssrInit(options?: { noI18nPreload: boolean }) {
const req = {
headers: headers(),
cookies: cookies(),
const locale = await getLocale(req);
const i18n = (await serverSideTranslations(locale, ["common", "vital"])) || "en";
const ssr = createTRPCNextLayout({
router: appRouter,
transformer: superjson,
createContext() {
return {
insightsDb: readonlyPrisma,
session: null,
req: req as unknown as GetServerSidePropsContext["req"],
// i18n translations are already retrieved from serverSideTranslations call, there is no need to run a i18n.fetch
// we can set query data directly to the queryClient
const queryKey = [
["viewer", "public", "i18n"],
{ input: { locale, CalComVersion: CALCOM_VERSION }, type: "query" },
if (!options?.noI18nPreload) {
ssr.queryClient.setQueryData(queryKey, { i18n });
await Promise.allSettled([
// So feature flags are available on first render,
// Provides a better UX to the users who have already upgraded.
return ssr;

View File

@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
import LegacyPage from "@pages/apps/categories/index";
import { ssrInit } from "app/_trpc/ssrInit";
import { _generateMetadata } from "app/_utils";
import { WithLayout } from "app/layoutHOC";
import { cookies, headers } from "next/headers";
import { getAppRegistry, getAppRegistryWithCredentials } from "@calcom/app-store/_appRegistry";
import { getServerSession } from "@calcom/features/auth/lib/getServerSession";
import { APP_NAME } from "@calcom/lib/constants";
import type { buildLegacyCtx } from "@lib/buildLegacyCtx";
import { ssrInit } from "@server/lib/ssr";
export const generateMetadata = async () => {
return await _generateMetadata(
() => `Categories | ${APP_NAME}`,
@ -15,12 +17,12 @@ export const generateMetadata = async () => {
async function getPageProps() {
const ssr = await ssrInit();
const req = { headers: headers(), cookies: cookies() };
const getData = async (ctx: ReturnType<typeof buildLegacyCtx>) => {
// @ts-expect-error Argument of type '{ query: Params; params: Params; req: { headers: ReadonlyHeaders; cookies: ReadonlyRequestCookies; }; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'GetServerSidePropsContext'.
const ssr = await ssrInit(ctx);
// @ts-expect-error Type '{ headers: ReadonlyHeaders; cookies: ReadonlyRequestCookies; }' is not assignable to type 'NextApiRequest | IncomingMessage
const session = await getServerSession({ req });
const session = await getServerSession({ req: ctx.req });
let appStore;
if (session?.user?.id) {
@ -38,8 +40,8 @@ async function getPageProps() {
return {
categories: Object.entries(categories).map(([name, count]) => ({ name, count })),
dehydratedState: await ssr.dehydrate(),
dehydratedState: ssr.dehydrate(),
export default WithLayout({ getData: getPageProps, Page: LegacyPage, getLayout: null })<"P">;
export default WithLayout({ getData, Page: LegacyPage, getLayout: null })<"P">;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
import AppsPage from "@pages/apps";
import { ssrInit } from "app/_trpc/ssrInit";
import { _generateMetadata } from "app/_utils";
import { cookies, headers } from "next/headers";
import { WithLayout } from "app/layoutHOC";
import { getAppRegistry, getAppRegistryWithCredentials } from "@calcom/app-store/_appRegistry";
import { getLayout } from "@calcom/features/MainLayoutAppDir";
@ -11,7 +10,9 @@ import getUserAdminTeams from "@calcom/features/ee/teams/lib/getUserAdminTeams";
import { APP_NAME } from "@calcom/lib/constants";
import type { AppCategories } from "@calcom/prisma/enums";
import PageWrapper from "@components/PageWrapperAppDir";
import type { buildLegacyCtx } from "@lib/buildLegacyCtx";
import { ssrInit } from "@server/lib/ssr";
export const generateMetadata = async () => {
return await _generateMetadata(
@ -20,12 +21,12 @@ export const generateMetadata = async () => {
const getPageProps = async () => {
const ssr = await ssrInit();
const req = { headers: headers(), cookies: cookies() };
const getData = async (ctx: ReturnType<typeof buildLegacyCtx>) => {
// @ts-expect-error Argument of type '{ query: Params; params: Params; req: { headers: ReadonlyHeaders; cookies: ReadonlyRequestCookies; }; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'GetServerSidePropsContext'.
const ssr = await ssrInit(ctx);
// @ts-expect-error Type '{ headers: ReadonlyHeaders; cookies: ReadonlyRequestCookies; }' is not assignable to type 'NextApiRequest
const session = await getServerSession({ req });
const session = await getServerSession({ req: ctx.req });
let appStore, userAdminTeams: UserAdminTeams;
if (session?.user?.id) {
@ -58,24 +59,8 @@ const getPageProps = async () => {
dehydratedState: await ssr.dehydrate(),
dehydratedState: ssr.dehydrate(),
export default async function AppPageAppDir() {
const { categories, appStore, userAdminTeams, dehydratedState } = await getPageProps();
const h = headers();
const nonce = h.get("x-nonce") ?? undefined;
return (
<AppsPage categories={categories} appStore={appStore} userAdminTeams={userAdminTeams} />
export default WithLayout({ getLayout, getData, Page: AppsPage });

View File

@ -1,22 +1,21 @@
import { ssgInit } from "app/_trpc/ssgInit";
import type { Params } from "app/_types";
import { _generateMetadata } from "app/_utils";
import { WithLayout } from "app/layoutHOC";
import { notFound } from "next/navigation";
import type { ReactElement } from "react";
import { z } from "zod";
import { getLayout } from "@calcom/features/MainLayoutAppDir";
import { APP_NAME } from "@calcom/lib/constants";
import type { buildLegacyCtx } from "@lib/buildLegacyCtx";
import { ssgInit } from "@server/lib/ssg";
const validStatuses = ["upcoming", "recurring", "past", "cancelled", "unconfirmed"] as const;
const querySchema = z.object({
status: z.enum(validStatuses),
type Props = { params: Params; children: ReactElement };
export const generateMetadata = async () =>
await _generateMetadata(
(t) => `${APP_NAME} | ${t("bookings")}`,
@ -27,18 +26,18 @@ export const generateStaticParams = async () => {
return => ({ status }));
const getData = async ({ params }: { params: Params }) => {
const parsedParams = querySchema.safeParse(params);
const getData = async (ctx: ReturnType<typeof buildLegacyCtx>) => {
const parsedParams = querySchema.safeParse(ctx.params);
if (!parsedParams.success) {
const ssg = await ssgInit();
const ssg = await ssgInit(ctx);
return {
dehydratedState: await ssg.dehydrate(),
dehydratedState: ssg.dehydrate(),

View File

@ -1,14 +1,16 @@
import LegacyPage from "@pages/getting-started/[[...step]]";
import { ssrInit } from "app/_trpc/ssrInit";
import { WithLayout } from "app/layoutHOC";
import { cookies, headers } from "next/headers";
import { redirect } from "next/navigation";
import { getServerSession } from "@calcom/features/auth/lib/getServerSession";
import prisma from "@calcom/prisma";
import PageWrapper from "@components/PageWrapperAppDir";
import type { buildLegacyCtx } from "@lib/buildLegacyCtx";
async function getData() {
import { ssrInit } from "@server/lib/ssr";
const getData = async (ctx: ReturnType<typeof buildLegacyCtx>) => {
const req = { headers: headers(), cookies: cookies() };
//@ts-expect-error Type '{ headers: ReadonlyHeaders; cookies: ReadonlyRequestCookies; }' is not assignable to type 'NextApiRequest
@ -17,8 +19,8 @@ async function getData() {
if (!session?.user?.id) {
return redirect("/auth/login");
const ssr = await ssrInit();
// @ts-expect-error Argument of type '{ query: Params; params: Params; req: { headers: ReadonlyHeaders; cookies: ReadonlyRequestCookies; }; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'GetServerSidePropsContext'.
const ssr = await ssrInit(ctx);
const user = await prisma.user.findUnique({
@ -51,20 +53,11 @@ async function getData() {
return {
dehydratedState: await ssr.dehydrate(),
dehydratedState: ssr.dehydrate(),
hasPendingInvites: user.teams.find((team: any) => team.accepted === false) ?? false,
requiresLicense: false,
themeBasis: null,
export default async function Page() {
const props = await getData();
const h = headers();
const nonce = h.get("x-nonce") ?? undefined;
return (
<PageWrapper getLayout={null} requiresLicense={false} nonce={nonce} themeBasis={null} {...props}>
<LegacyPage />
export default WithLayout({ getLayout: null, getData, Page: LegacyPage });

View File

@ -1,24 +1,29 @@
import OldPage from "@pages/teams/index";
import { ssrInit } from "app/_trpc/ssrInit";
import { _generateMetadata } from "app/_utils";
import { WithLayout } from "app/layoutHOC";
import { type GetServerSidePropsContext } from "next";
import { redirect } from "next/navigation";
import { getLayout } from "@calcom/features/MainLayoutAppDir";
import { getServerSession } from "@calcom/features/auth/lib/getServerSession";
import type { buildLegacyCtx } from "@lib/buildLegacyCtx";
import { ssrInit } from "@server/lib/ssr";
export const generateMetadata = async () =>
await _generateMetadata(
(t) => t("teams"),
(t) => t("create_manage_teams_collaborative")
async function getData(context: Omit<GetServerSidePropsContext, "res" | "resolvedUrl">) {
const ssr = await ssrInit();
async function getData(context: ReturnType<typeof buildLegacyCtx>) {
// @ts-expect-error Argument of type '{ query: Params; params: Params; req: { headers: ReadonlyHeaders; cookies: ReadonlyRequestCookies; }; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'GetServerSidePropsContext'.
const ssr = await ssrInit(context);
const session = await getServerSession({
// @ts-expect-error Type '{ headers: ReadonlyHeaders; cookies: ReadonlyRequestCookies; }' is not assignable to type 'NextApiRequest | (IncomingMessage & { cookies: Partial<{ [key: string]: string; }>; })'.
req: context.req,
@ -29,8 +34,7 @@ async function getData(context: Omit<GetServerSidePropsContext, "res" | "resolve
return redirect(callbackUrl ? `/auth/login?callbackUrl=${callbackUrl}` : "/auth/login");
return { dehydratedState: await ssr.dehydrate() };
return { dehydratedState: ssr.dehydrate() };
// @ts-expect-error getData arg
export default WithLayout({ getData, getLayout, Page: OldPage })<"P">;

View File

@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
import OldPage from "@pages/video/[uid]";
import { ssrInit } from "app/_trpc/ssrInit";
import { _generateMetadata } from "app/_utils";
import { WithLayout } from "app/layoutHOC";
import MarkdownIt from "markdown-it";
import { type GetServerSidePropsContext } from "next";
import { redirect } from "next/navigation";
import { getServerSession } from "@calcom/features/auth/lib/getServerSession";
import { APP_NAME } from "@calcom/lib/constants";
import prisma, { bookingMinimalSelect } from "@calcom/prisma";
import type { buildLegacyCtx } from "@lib/buildLegacyCtx";
import { ssrInit } from "@server/lib/ssr";
export const generateMetadata = async () =>
await _generateMetadata(
() => `${APP_NAME} Video`,
@ -18,8 +20,9 @@ export const generateMetadata = async () =>
const md = new MarkdownIt("default", { html: true, breaks: true, linkify: true });
async function getData(context: Omit<GetServerSidePropsContext, "res" | "resolvedUrl">) {
const ssr = await ssrInit();
async function getData(context: ReturnType<typeof buildLegacyCtx>) {
// @ts-expect-error Argument of type '{ query: Params; params: Params; req: { headers: ReadonlyHeaders; cookies: ReadonlyRequestCookies; }; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'GetServerSidePropsContext'.
const ssr = await ssrInit(context);
const booking = await{
where: {
@ -76,6 +79,7 @@ async function getData(context: Omit<GetServerSidePropsContext, "res" | "resolve
endTime: booking.endTime.toString(),
// @ts-expect-error Type '{ headers: ReadonlyHeaders; cookies: ReadonlyRequestCookies; }' is not assignable to type 'NextApiRequest | (IncomingMessage & { cookies: Partial<{ [key: string]: string; }>; })'.
const session = await getServerSession({ req: context.req });
// set meetingPassword to null for guests
@ -94,9 +98,8 @@ async function getData(context: Omit<GetServerSidePropsContext, "res" | "resolve
...(bookingObj.description && { description: md.render(bookingObj.description) }),
dehydratedState: await ssr.dehydrate(),
dehydratedState: ssr.dehydrate(),
// @ts-expect-error getData arg
export default WithLayout({ getData, Page: OldPage, getLayout: null })<"P">;

View File

@ -1,19 +1,23 @@
import LegacyPage from "@pages/video/no-meeting-found";
import { ssrInit } from "app/_trpc/ssrInit";
import { _generateMetadata } from "app/_utils";
import { WithLayout } from "app/layoutHOC";
import type { buildLegacyCtx } from "@lib/buildLegacyCtx";
import { ssrInit } from "@server/lib/ssr";
export const generateMetadata = async () =>
await _generateMetadata(
(t) => t("no_meeting_found"),
(t) => t("no_meeting_found")
const getData = async () => {
const ssr = await ssrInit();
const getData = async (context: ReturnType<typeof buildLegacyCtx>) => {
// @ts-expect-error Argument of type '{ query: Params; params: Params; req: { headers: ReadonlyHeaders; cookies: ReadonlyRequestCookies; }; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'GetServerSidePropsContext'.
const ssr = await ssrInit(context);
return {
dehydratedState: await ssr.dehydrate(),
dehydratedState: ssr.dehydrate(),

View File

@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ export const BookEventFormChild = ({
const { uid, paymentUid } = responseData;
const fullName = getFullName(bookingForm.getValues(""));
if (paymentUid) {
return router.push(
date: timeslot,
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ export const BookEventFormChild = ({
isRescheduling && bookingData?.startTime ? dayjs(bookingData.startTime).toString() : undefined,
return bookingSuccessRedirect({
successRedirectUrl: eventType?.successRedirectUrl || "",
booking: responseData,
@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ export const BookEventFormChild = ({
isRescheduling && bookingData?.startTime ? dayjs(bookingData.startTime).toString() : undefined,
return bookingSuccessRedirect({
successRedirectUrl: eventType?.successRedirectUrl || "",
@ -325,10 +325,6 @@ export const BookEventFormChild = ({
const bookEvent = (values: BookingFormValues) => {
// Clears form values stored in store, so old values won't stick around.
// It shouldn't be possible that this method is fired without having eventQuery data,
// but since in theory (looking at the types) it is possible, we still handle that case.
if (!eventQuery?.data) {
@ -375,6 +371,9 @@ export const BookEventFormChild = ({
} else {
// Clears form values stored in store, so old values won't stick around.
if (!eventType) {
@ -442,7 +441,14 @@ export const BookEventFormChild = ({
loading={createBookingMutation.isLoading || createRecurringBookingMutation.isLoading}
bookingForm.formState.isSubmitting ||
createBookingMutation.isLoading ||
createRecurringBookingMutation.isLoading ||
// A redirect is triggered on mutation success, so keep the button disabled as this is happening.
createBookingMutation.isSuccess ||
rescheduleUid && bookingData ? "confirm-reschedule-button" : "confirm-book-button"

View File

@ -112,6 +112,7 @@
"cache": false
"dx": {
"dependsOn": ["//#env-check:common", "//#env-check:app-store"],
"cache": false
"lint": {