Revert "fix: improve UX of team invite by copy link (#11009)"

This reverts commit 0150041496.
This commit is contained in:
Alex van Andel 2023-09-12 22:26:22 +01:00
parent aeafa3ef0a
commit 5c72fca816
4 changed files with 9 additions and 48 deletions

View File

@ -52,8 +52,6 @@ export default function Login({
}: inferSSRProps<typeof _getServerSideProps> & WithNonceProps) {
const searchParams = useSearchParams();
const isTeamInvite = searchParams.get("teamInvite");
const { t } = useLocale();
const router = useRouter();
const formSchema = z
@ -97,9 +95,7 @@ export default function Login({
callbackUrl = safeCallbackUrl || "";
const LoginFooter = (
href={callbackUrl !== "" ? `${WEBSITE_URL}/signup?callbackUrl=${callbackUrl}` : `${WEBSITE_URL}/signup`}
className="text-brand-500 font-medium">
<a href={`${WEBSITE_URL}/signup`} className="text-brand-500 font-medium">
@ -188,9 +184,6 @@ export default function Login({
? LoginFooter
: null
{isTeamInvite && (
<Alert severity="info" message={t("signin_or_signup_to_accept_invite")} className="mb-4 mt-4" />
<FormProvider {...methods}>
<form onSubmit={methods.handleSubmit(onSubmit)} noValidate data-testid="login-form">

View File

@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ import { isSAMLLoginEnabled } from "@calcom/features/ee/sso/lib/saml";
import { useFlagMap } from "@calcom/features/flags/context/provider";
import { getFeatureFlagMap } from "@calcom/features/flags/server/utils";
import { IS_SELF_HOSTED, WEBAPP_URL } from "@calcom/lib/constants";
import { getSafeRedirectUrl } from "@calcom/lib/getSafeRedirectUrl";
import { useLocale } from "@calcom/lib/hooks/useLocale";
import slugify from "@calcom/lib/slugify";
import { collectPageParameters, telemetryEventTypes, useTelemetry } from "@calcom/lib/telemetry";
@ -35,23 +34,6 @@ type FormValues = z.infer<typeof signupSchema>;
type SignupProps = inferSSRProps<typeof getServerSideProps>;
const getSafeCallbackUrl = (url: string | null) => {
if (!url) return null;
let callbackUrl = url;
if (/"\//.test(callbackUrl)) callbackUrl = callbackUrl.substring(1);
// If not absolute URL, make it absolute
if (!/^https?:\/\//.test(callbackUrl)) {
callbackUrl = `${WEBAPP_URL}/${callbackUrl}`;
const safeCallbackUrl = getSafeRedirectUrl(callbackUrl);
return safeCallbackUrl;
export default function Signup({ prepopulateFormValues, token, orgSlug }: SignupProps) {
const searchParams = useSearchParams();
const telemetry = useTelemetry();
@ -73,7 +55,6 @@ export default function Signup({ prepopulateFormValues, token, orgSlug }: Signup
throw new Error(err.message);
const callbackUrl = getSafeCallbackUrl(searchParams.get("callbackUrl"));
const signUp: SubmitHandler<FormValues> = async (data) => {
await fetch("/api/auth/signup", {
@ -91,10 +72,13 @@ export default function Signup({ prepopulateFormValues, token, orgSlug }: Signup
.then(async () => {
telemetry.event(telemetryEventTypes.signup, collectPageParameters());
const verifyOrGettingStarted = flags["email-verification"] ? "auth/verify-email" : "getting-started";
await signIn<"credentials">("credentials", {,
callbackUrl: `${callbackUrl ? callbackUrl : `${WEBAPP_URL}/${verifyOrGettingStarted}`}?from=signup`,
callbackUrl: `${
? `${WEBAPP_URL}/${searchParams.get("callbackUrl")}`
: `${WEBAPP_URL}/${verifyOrGettingStarted}`
.catch((err) => {
@ -173,7 +157,9 @@ export default function Signup({ prepopulateFormValues, token, orgSlug }: Signup
className="w-full justify-center"
onClick={() =>
signIn("", {
callbackUrl: callbackUrl ? callbackUrl : `${WEBAPP_URL}/getting-started`,
callbackUrl: searchParams?.get("callbackUrl")
? `${WEBAPP_URL}/${searchParams.get("callbackUrl")}`
: `${WEBAPP_URL}/getting-started`,

View File

@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
import type { GetServerSidePropsContext } from "next";
import { getLayout } from "@calcom/features/MainLayout";
import { getServerSession } from "@calcom/features/auth/lib/getServerSession";
import { TeamsListing } from "@calcom/features/ee/teams/components";
import { ShellMain } from "@calcom/features/shell/Shell";
import { WEBAPP_URL } from "@calcom/lib/constants";
import { getSafeRedirectUrl } from "@calcom/lib/getSafeRedirectUrl";
import { useLocale } from "@calcom/lib/hooks/useLocale";
import { trpc } from "@calcom/trpc/react";
import { Button } from "@calcom/ui";
@ -43,21 +41,6 @@ function Teams() {
export const getServerSideProps = async (context: GetServerSidePropsContext) => {
const ssr = await ssrInit(context);
const session = await getServerSession({ req: context.req, res: context.res });
const token = context.query?.token;
const resolvedUrl = context.resolvedUrl;
const callbackUrl = token ? getSafeRedirectUrl(`${WEBAPP_URL}${resolvedUrl}`) : null;
if (!session) {
return {
redirect: {
destination: callbackUrl ? `/auth/login?callbackUrl=${callbackUrl}&teamInvite=true` : "/auth/login",
permanent: false,
props: {},
return { props: { trpcState: ssr.dehydrate() } };

View File

@ -45,7 +45,6 @@
"invite_team_individual_segment": "Invite individual",
"invite_team_bulk_segment": "Bulk import",
"invite_team_notifcation_badge": "Inv.",
"signin_or_signup_to_accept_invite": "You need to Sign in or Sign up to see team invitation.",
"your_event_has_been_scheduled": "Your event has been scheduled",
"your_event_has_been_scheduled_recurring": "Your recurring event has been scheduled",
"accept_our_license": "Accept our license by changing the .env variable <1>NEXT_PUBLIC_LICENSE_CONSENT</1> to '{{agree}}'.",