add audit weights to config

This commit is contained in:
Dmytro Hryshyn 2024-01-02 20:07:00 +02:00
parent 7c3d786ec4
commit bb7e540047

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@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import { chromium } from "@playwright/test";
import chalk from "chalk";
import fs from "fs";
// @ts-expect-error type-definitions
import lighthouse from "lighthouse";
@ -40,6 +41,20 @@ const getConfig = (preset: Preset) => ({
extends: "lighthouse:default",
settings: {
categories: {
performance: {
title: "Performance",
supportedModes: ["navigation", "timespan", "snapshot"],
auditRefs: [
{ id: "first-contentful-paint", weight: 10, group: "metrics", acronym: "FCP" },
{ id: "interactive", weight: 10, group: "metrics", acronym: "TTI" },
{ id: "speed-index", weight: 10, group: "metrics", acronym: "SI" },
{ id: "total-blocking-time", weight: 30, group: "metrics", acronym: "TBT" },
{ id: "largest-contentful-paint", weight: 25, group: "metrics", acronym: "LCP" },
{ id: "cumulative-layout-shift", weight: 15, group: "metrics", acronym: "CLS" },
...(preset === "desktop" && PRESET_DESKTOP),
@ -49,7 +64,7 @@ const times = async (n: number, cb: (...args: any) => any): Promise<any[]> => {
const result = new Array(n);
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
result[i] = await cb();
result[i] = await cb(i);
return result;
@ -71,7 +86,7 @@ const median = (values: number[]): number => {
type Audits = Record<string, number>;
type TestRunner = (pageUrl: string, options: Options) => Promise<Audits>;
const reportToJSON = (report: any) => {
const getAudits = (report: any) => {
const parsedReport = JSON.parse( as { audits: Record<string, { numericValue: number }> };
return Object.entries(parsedReport.audits).reduce<Record<string, number>>((acc, [auditName, audit]) => {
@ -80,6 +95,10 @@ const reportToJSON = (report: any) => {
}, {});
const getCategoryScore = (report: any, category: string) => {
return report.lhr.categories[category].score;
const lighthouseTestRunner: TestRunner = async (pageUrl: string, options: Options) => {
const browser = await chromium.launch({
args: ["--remote-debugging-port=9222"],
@ -87,6 +106,12 @@ const lighthouseTestRunner: TestRunner = async (pageUrl: string, options: Option
const context = await browser.newContext();
// removes the sidebar tips
// in some cases side bar tip image is selected as LCP element.
context.addInitScript(() => {
localStorage.setItem("removedTipsIds", "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12");
await context.addCookies([
name: "next-auth.session-token",
@ -100,13 +125,21 @@ const lighthouseTestRunner: TestRunner = async (pageUrl: string, options: Option
const report = await lighthouse(pageUrl, DEFAULT_OPTIONS, getConfig(options.preset ?? "desktop"));
await browser.close();
return reportToJSON(report);
const audits = getAudits(report);
audits["performance_score"] = getCategoryScore(report, "performance");
return audits;
const getSeries = async (page: string, options: Options) => {
const repeatTimes = options.repeatTimes ?? DEFAULT_TEST_COUNT;
const audits = await times(repeatTimes, () => lighthouseTestRunner(page, options));
const audits = await times(repeatTimes, async (i) => {
console.log(`-------- Running test #${i + 1} for ${page} --------`));
return lighthouseTestRunner(page, options);
return audits.reduce((acc, audit) => {
Object.entries(audit).forEach(([key, value]) => {