{ "name": "Cal.com", "description": "Open Source Scheduling", "repository": "https://github.com/calcom/cal.com", "logo": "https://cal.com/android-chrome-512x512.png", "keywords": ["react", "typescript", "node", "nextjs", "prisma", "postgres", "trpc"], "addons": [ { "plan": "heroku-postgresql:mini" } ], "env": { "PGSSLMODE": { "description": "If you use Heroku to deploy Postgres (or use self-signed certs for Postgres) then put 'no-verify' here.", "value": "no-verify" }, "NEXT_PUBLIC_WEBAPP_URL": { "description": "Replace HEROKU_APP_NAME with the name given to your app", "value": "https://HEROKU_APP_NAME.herokuapp.com", "required": "true" }, "CALENDSO_ENCRYPTION_KEY": { "description": "Application Key for symmetric encryption and decryption. Must be 32 bytes for AES256 encryption algorithm.", "value": "secret", "required": "true" }, "NEXTAUTH_URL": { "description": "Replace HEROKU_APP_NAME with the name given to your app", "value": "https://HEROKU_APP_NAME.herokuapp.com" }, "NEXTAUTH_SECRET": { "description": "Cookie encryption key", "generator": "secret", "required": "true" }, "CRON_API_KEY": { "description": "ApiKey for cronjobs", "value": "" }, "CRON_ENABLE_APP_SYNC": { "description": "Whether to automatically keep app metadata in the database in sync with the metadata/config files. When disabled, the sync runs in a reporting-only dry-run mode.", "value": "false" }, "SEND_FEEDBACK_EMAIL": { "description": "Send feedback email", "value": "" }, "SENDGRID_API_KEY": { "description": "Sendgrid api key. Used for email reminders in workflows", "value": "", "required": false }, "SENDGRID_SYNC_API_KEY": { "description": "Sendgrid internal sync service", "value": "", "required": false }, "SENDGRID_EMAIL": { "description": "Sendgrid email. Used for email reminders in workflows", "value": "", "required": false }, "EMAIL_FROM": { "description": "Configures the global From: header whilst sending emails", "value": "" }, "EMAIL_SERVER_HOST": { "description": "Configures the global SMTP server host", "value": "smtp.gmail.com" }, "EMAIL_SERVER_PORT": { "description": "Configures the global SMTP server port", "value": "465" }, "EMAIL_SERVER_USER": { "description": "Configures the global SMTP server user", "value": "" }, "EMAIL_SERVER_PASSWORD": { "description": "Configures the global SMTP server password", "value": "" }, "NEXT_PUBLIC_TEAM_IMPERSONATION": { "description": "Set the following value to true if you wish to enable Team Impersonation", "value": "false" }, "NEXT_PUBLIC_AVAILABILITY_SCHEDULE_INTERVAL": { "description": "Control time intervals on a user's Schedule availability", "value": "15" } }, "scripts": { "postdeploy": "cd packages/prisma && npx prisma migrate deploy" } }