import type { Prisma, UserPermissionRole } from "@prisma/client"; import { uuid } from "short-uuid"; import dayjs from "@calcom/dayjs"; import { hashPassword } from "@calcom/features/auth/lib/hashPassword"; import { DEFAULT_SCHEDULE, getAvailabilityFromSchedule } from "@calcom/lib/availability"; import prisma from "."; export async function createUserAndEventType({ user, eventTypes = [], credentials, }: { user: { email: string; password: string; username: string; name: string; completedOnboarding?: boolean; timeZone?: string; role?: UserPermissionRole; theme?: "dark" | "light"; }; eventTypes?: Array< Prisma.EventTypeUncheckedCreateInput & { _bookings?: Prisma.BookingCreateInput[]; _numBookings?: number; } >; credentials?: ({ type: string; key: Prisma.JsonObject; appId: string; } | null)[]; }) { const userData = { ...user, password: await hashPassword(user.password), emailVerified: new Date(), completedOnboarding: user.completedOnboarding ?? true, locale: "en", schedules: user.completedOnboarding ?? true ? { create: { name: "Working Hours", availability: { createMany: { data: getAvailabilityFromSchedule(DEFAULT_SCHEDULE), }, }, }, } : undefined, }; const theUser = await prisma.user.upsert({ where: { email_username: { email:, username: user.username } }, update: userData, create: userData, }); console.log( `👤 Upserted '${user.username}' with email "${}" & password "${user.password}". Booking page 👉 ${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_WEBAPP_URL}/${user.username}` ); for (const eventTypeInput of eventTypes) { const { _bookings, _numBookings, ...eventTypeData } = eventTypeInput; let bookingFields; if (_bookings && _numBookings) { throw new Error("You can't set both _bookings and _numBookings"); } else if (_numBookings) { bookingFields = [...Array(_numBookings).keys()].map((i) => ({ startTime: dayjs() .add(1, "day") .add(i * 5 + 0, "minutes") .toDate(), endTime: dayjs() .add(1, "day") .add(i * 5 + 30, "minutes") .toDate(), title: `${eventTypeInput.title}:${i + 1}`, uid: uuid(), })); } else { bookingFields = _bookings || []; } eventTypeData.userId =; eventTypeData.users = { connect: { id: } }; const eventType = await prisma.eventType.findFirst({ where: { slug: eventTypeData.slug, users: { some: { id: eventTypeData.userId, }, }, }, select: { id: true, }, }); if (eventType) { console.log( `\t📆 Event type ${eventTypeData.slug} already seems seeded - ${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_WEBAPP_URL}/${user.username}/${eventTypeData.slug}` ); continue; } const { id } = await prisma.eventType.create({ data: eventTypeData, }); console.log( `\t📆 Event type ${eventTypeData.slug} with id ${id}, length ${eventTypeData.length}min - ${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_WEBAPP_URL}/${user.username}/${eventTypeData.slug}` ); for (const bookingInput of bookingFields) { await{ data: { ...bookingInput, user: { connect: { email:, }, }, attendees: { create: { email:, name:, timeZone: "Europe/London", }, }, eventType: { connect: { id, }, }, status: bookingInput.status, iCalUID: "", }, }); console.log( `\t\t☎️ Created booking ${bookingInput.title} at ${new Date( bookingInput.startTime ).toLocaleDateString()}` ); } } console.log("👤 User with it's event-types and bookings created",; if (credentials) { for (const credential of credentials) { if (credential) { await prisma.credential.create({ data: { ...credential, userId:, }, }); console.log(`🔑 ${credential.type} credentials created for ${}`); } } } return theUser; }