import React from "react"; import { z } from "zod"; import { _EventTypeModel } from "@calcom/prisma/zod"; import { RouterOutputs } from "@calcom/trpc/react"; import { ButtonProps } from "@calcom/ui"; export type IntegrationOAuthCallbackState = { returnTo: string; installGoogleVideo?: boolean; }; type AppScript = { attrs?: Record } & { src?: string; content?: string }; export type Tag = { scripts: AppScript[]; }; export interface InstallAppButtonProps { render: ( renderProps: ButtonProps & { /** Tells that the default render component should be used */ useDefaultComponent?: boolean; } ) => JSX.Element; onChanged?: () => unknown; } export type EventTypeAppCardComponentProps = { // Limit what data should be accessible to apps eventType: Pick< z.infer, "id" | "title" | "description" | "teamId" | "length" | "recurringEvent" > & { URL: string; }; app: RouterOutputs["viewer"]["apps"][number]; }; export type EventTypeAppCardComponent = React.FC;