import type { Prisma } from "@prisma/client"; import { PrismaClient as PrismaClientWithoutExtension } from "@prisma/client"; import { withAccelerate } from "@prisma/extension-accelerate"; import { bookingReferenceMiddleware } from "./middleware"; const prismaOptions: Prisma.PrismaClientOptions = {}; if (!!process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_DEBUG) prismaOptions.log = ["query", "error", "warn"]; export const customPrisma = (options?: Prisma.PrismaClientOptions) => new PrismaClientWithoutExtension({ ...prismaOptions, ...options }).$extends(withAccelerate()); export const prisma = (function () { // Prevents flooding with idle connections const prismaWithoutClientExtensions = new PrismaClientWithoutExtension(prismaOptions); // If any changed on middleware server restart is required // TODO: Migrate it to $extends bookingReferenceMiddleware(prismaWithoutClientExtensions); // FIXME: Due to some reason, there are types failing in certain places due to the $extends. Fix it and then enable it // Specifically we get errors like `Type 'string | Date | null | undefined' is not assignable to type 'Exact'` const prismaWithClientExtensions = prismaWithoutClientExtensions // .$extends(withAccelerate()); // .$extends({ // query: { // $allModels: { // async $allOperations({ model, operation, args, query }) { // const start =; // /* your custom logic here */ // const res = await query(args); // const end =; // logger.debug("Query Perf: ", `${model}.${operation} took ${(end - start).toFixed(2)}ms\n`); // return res; // }, // }, // }, // }); // .$extends({ // name: "teamUpdateWithMetadata", // query: { // team: { // async update({ model, operation, args, query }) { // if ( { // // Prepare with merged metadata // } // return query(args); // }, // }, // }, // }) return prismaWithClientExtensions; })(); export type PrismaClient = typeof prisma; export default prisma; export * from "./selects";