import Script from "next/script"; import { getEventTypeAppData } from "@calcom/app-store/_utils/getEventTypeAppData"; import { appStoreMetadata } from "@calcom/app-store/bookerAppsMetaData"; import type { appDataSchemas } from "./apps.schemas.generated"; export default function BookingPageTagManager({ eventType, }: { eventType: Parameters[0]; }) { return ( <> {Object.entries(appStoreMetadata).map(([appId, app]) => { const tag = app.appData?.tag; if (!tag) { return null; } const appData = getEventTypeAppData(eventType, appId as keyof typeof appDataSchemas); if (!appData) { return null; } const parseValue = (val: T): T => { if (!val) { return val; } // Only support UpperCase,_and numbers in template variables. This prevents accidental replacement of other strings. const regex = /\{([A-Z_\d]+)\}/g; let matches; while ((matches = regex.exec(val))) { const variableName = matches[1]; if (appData[variableName]) { // Replace if value is available. It can possible not be a template variable that just matches the regex. val = val.replace( new RegExp(`{${variableName}}`, "g"), appData[variableName] ) as NonNullable; } } return val; }; return, index) => { const parsedAttributes: NonNullable<(typeof tag.scripts)[number]["attrs"]> = {}; const attrs = script.attrs || {}; Object.entries(attrs).forEach(([name, value]) => { if (typeof value === "string") { value = parseValue(value); } parsedAttributes[name] = value; }); return (