import type { DefaultSeoProps, NextSeoProps } from "next-seo"; import type { Router } from "next/router"; import { APP_NAME, SEO_IMG_DEFAULT, SEO_IMG_OGIMG } from "@calcom/lib/constants"; import type { AppImageProps, MeetingImageProps } from "./OgImages"; export type HeadSeoProps = { title: string; description: string; siteName?: string; url?: string; canonical?: string; nextSeoProps?: NextSeoProps; app?: AppImageProps; meeting?: MeetingImageProps; }; const seoImages = { default: SEO_IMG_DEFAULT, ogImage: SEO_IMG_OGIMG, }; export const getSeoImage = (key: keyof typeof seoImages): string => { return seoImages[key]; }; export const seoConfig: { headSeo: Required>; defaultNextSeo: DefaultSeoProps; } = { headSeo: { siteName: APP_NAME, }, defaultNextSeo: { twitter: { handle: "@calcom", site: "@calcom", cardType: "summary_large_image", }, }, } as const; /** * This function builds a canonical URL from a given host and path omitting the query params. Note: on homepage it omits the trailing slash * @param origin The protocol + host, e.g. `` or `` * @param path NextJS' useRouter().asPath * @returns */ export const buildCanonical = ({ origin, path, }: { origin: Location["origin"]; path: Router["asPath"] | null; }) => { return `${origin}${path === "/" ? "" : path}`.split("?")[0]; };