Jon@1599 f80e9b2558
feat: add basecamp integration to (#9195)
* feat: installing the app works

* Update yarn.lock

* feat: /api/callback now gets user auth info from basecamp

* feat: updated basecamp logo

* feat: added project dropdown on event apps page

* feat: basecamp event creation and deletion working

* feat: basecamp event rescheduling now works

* refactor(CalendarService): basecamp CaldendarService code clean up

* refactor: code cleanup for basecamp app API

* feat: updated event summary text sent to basecamp

* chore: updated basecamp images and contact info

* fix: fixed typescript errors and added logic to refresh tokens on event settings

* refactor(CaldendarService): used refreshAccessToken from helpers.ts instead

* chore: updated basecamp description

* fix: fixed incorrect import

* fix: accidentally deleted props to toggle app for event

* chore: updated .env.appStore.example and added README for app

* Update .env.appStore.example

Co-authored-by: Leo Giovanetti <>

* feat: added basecamp userAgent in env instead of hardcoded value

* feat: updated README to include how to set basecamp user agent env

* fix: removed unused import

* feat: used URLSearchParams to construct url params

* fix: fixed typescript errors

* chore: updated README to include an example on how to set basecamp user-agent

* feat: using TRPC instead of REST

* chore: removed old projects REST code


Co-authored-by: Leo Giovanetti <>
2023-08-19 17:04:56 -03:00

392 lines
14 KiB

* @deprecated
* This file is deprecated. The only use of this file is to seed the database for E2E tests. Each test should take care of seeding it's own data going forward.
import type { Prisma } from "@prisma/client";
import dotEnv from "dotenv";
import { appStoreMetadata } from "@calcom/app-store/appStoreMetaData";
import prisma from ".";
import { AppCategories } from "./enums";
dotEnv.config({ path: "../../.env.appStore" });
export const seededForm = {
id: "948ae412-d995-4865-875a-48302588de03",
name: "Seeded Form - Pro",
async function seedAppData() {
const form = await prisma.app_RoutingForms_Form.findUnique({
where: {
if (form) {
console.log(`Skipping Routing Form - Form Seed, "Seeded Form - Pro" already exists`);
const proUser = await prisma.user.findFirst({
where: {
username: "pro",
if (!proUser) {
console.log(`Skipping Routing Form - Seeding - Pro User not found`);
await prisma.app_RoutingForms_Form.create({
data: {
routes: [
id: "8a898988-89ab-4cde-b012-31823f708642",
action: { type: "eventTypeRedirectUrl", value: "pro/30min" },
queryValue: {
id: "8a898988-89ab-4cde-b012-31823f708642",
type: "group",
children1: {
"8988bbb8-0123-4456-b89a-b1823f70c5ff": {
type: "rule",
properties: {
field: "c4296635-9f12-47b1-8153-c3a854649182",
value: ["event-routing"],
operator: "equal",
valueSrc: ["value"],
valueType: ["text"],
id: "aa8aaba9-cdef-4012-b456-71823f70f7ef",
action: { type: "customPageMessage", value: "Custom Page Result" },
queryValue: {
id: "aa8aaba9-cdef-4012-b456-71823f70f7ef",
type: "group",
children1: {
"b99b8a89-89ab-4cde-b012-31823f718ff5": {
type: "rule",
properties: {
field: "c4296635-9f12-47b1-8153-c3a854649182",
value: ["custom-page"],
operator: "equal",
valueSrc: ["value"],
valueType: ["text"],
id: "a8ba9aab-4567-489a-bcde-f1823f71b4ad",
action: { type: "externalRedirectUrl", value: "" },
queryValue: {
id: "a8ba9aab-4567-489a-bcde-f1823f71b4ad",
type: "group",
children1: {
"998b9b9a-0123-4456-b89a-b1823f7232b9": {
type: "rule",
properties: {
field: "c4296635-9f12-47b1-8153-c3a854649182",
value: ["external-redirect"],
operator: "equal",
valueSrc: ["value"],
valueType: ["text"],
id: "aa8ba8b9-0123-4456-b89a-b182623406d8",
action: { type: "customPageMessage", value: "Multiselect chosen" },
queryValue: {
id: "aa8ba8b9-0123-4456-b89a-b182623406d8",
type: "group",
children1: {
"b98a8abb-cdef-4012-b456-718262343d27": {
type: "rule",
properties: {
field: "d4292635-9f12-17b1-9153-c3a854649182",
value: [["Option-2"]],
operator: "multiselect_equals",
valueSrc: ["value"],
valueType: ["multiselect"],
id: "898899aa-4567-489a-bcde-f1823f708646",
action: { type: "customPageMessage", value: "Fallback Message" },
isFallback: true,
queryValue: { id: "898899aa-4567-489a-bcde-f1823f708646", type: "group" },
fields: [
{ id: "c4296635-9f12-47b1-8153-c3a854649182", type: "text", label: "Test field", required: true },
id: "d4292635-9f12-17b1-9153-c3a854649182",
type: "multiselect",
label: "Multi Select",
identifier: "multi",
selectText: "Option-1\nOption-2",
required: false,
user: {
connect: {
email_username: {
username: "pro",
email: "",
async function createApp(
/** The App identifier in the DB also used for public page in `/apps/[slug]` */
slug: Prisma.AppCreateInput["slug"],
/** The directory name for `/packages/app-store/[dirName]` */
dirName: Prisma.AppCreateInput["dirName"],
categories: Prisma.AppCreateInput["categories"],
/** This is used so credentials gets linked to the correct app */
type: Prisma.CredentialCreateInput["type"],
keys?: Prisma.AppCreateInput["keys"],
isTemplate?: boolean
) {
try {
const foundApp = await{
* slug and dirName both are unique and any of them can be used to find the app uniquely
* Using both here allows us to rename(after the app has been seeded already) `slug` or `dirName` while still finding the app to apply the change on.
* Note: dirName is legacy and it is same as slug for all apps created through App-Store Cli.
* - Take the case there was an app with slug `myvideo` and dirName `dirName-1` and that got seeded. Now, someone wants to rename the slug to `my-video`(more readable) for the app keeping dirName same.
* This would make this fn to be called with slug `my-video` and dirName `dirName-1`.
* Now, we can find the app because dirName would still match.
* - Similar, if someone changes dirName keeping slug same, we can find the app because slug would still match.
* - If both dirName and slug are changed, it will be added as a new entry in the DB.
where: {
OR: [
// We need to enable seeded apps as they are used in tests.
const data = { slug, dirName, categories, keys, enabled: true };
if (!foundApp) {
console.log(`📲 Created ${isTemplate ? "template" : "app"}: '${slug}'`);
} else {
// We know that the app exists, so either it would have the same slug or dirName
// Because update query can't have both slug and dirName, try to find the app to update by slug and dirName one by one
// if there would have been a unique App.uuid, that never changes, we could have used that in update query.
where: { slug: foundApp.slug },
where: { dirName: foundApp.dirName },
console.log(`📲 Updated ${isTemplate ? "template" : "app"}: '${slug}'`);
await prisma.credential.updateMany({
// Credential should stop using type and instead use an App.uuid to refer to app deterministically. That uuid would never change even if slug/dirName changes.
// This would allow credentials to be not orphaned when slug(appId) changes.
where: { type },
data: { appId: slug },
} catch (e) {
console.log(`Could not upsert app: ${slug}. Error:`, e);
export default async function main() {
// Calendar apps
await createApp("apple-calendar", "applecalendar", ["calendar"], "apple_calendar");
if (
process.env.BASECAMP3_CLIENT_ID &&
) {
await createApp("basecamp3", "basecamp3", ["other"], "basecamp3_other", {
client_id: process.env.BASECAMP3_CLIENT_ID,
client_secret: process.env.BASECAMP3_CLIENT_SECRET,
user_agent: process.env.BASECAMP3_USER_AGENT,
await createApp("caldav-calendar", "caldavcalendar", ["calendar"], "caldav_calendar");
try {
const { client_secret, client_id, redirect_uris } = JSON.parse(
process.env.GOOGLE_API_CREDENTIALS || ""
await createApp("google-calendar", "googlecalendar", ["calendar"], "google_calendar", {
await createApp("google-meet", "googlevideo", ["conferencing"], "google_video", {
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof Error) console.error("Error adding google credentials to DB:", e.message);
if (process.env.MS_GRAPH_CLIENT_ID && process.env.MS_GRAPH_CLIENT_SECRET) {
await createApp("office365-calendar", "office365calendar", ["calendar"], "office365_calendar", {
client_id: process.env.MS_GRAPH_CLIENT_ID,
client_secret: process.env.MS_GRAPH_CLIENT_SECRET,
await createApp("msteams", "office365video", ["conferencing"], "office365_video", {
client_id: process.env.MS_GRAPH_CLIENT_ID,
client_secret: process.env.MS_GRAPH_CLIENT_SECRET,
if (
process.env.LARK_OPEN_APP_ID &&
process.env.LARK_OPEN_APP_SECRET &&
) {
await createApp("lark-calendar", "larkcalendar", ["calendar"], "lark_calendar", {
app_id: process.env.LARK_OPEN_APP_ID,
app_secret: process.env.LARK_OPEN_APP_SECRET,
open_verification_token: process.env.LARK_OPEN_VERIFICATION_TOKEN,
// Video apps
if (process.env.DAILY_API_KEY) {
await createApp("daily-video", "dailyvideo", ["conferencing"], "daily_video", {
api_key: process.env.DAILY_API_KEY,
scale_plan: process.env.DAILY_SCALE_PLAN,
if (process.env.TANDEM_CLIENT_ID && process.env.TANDEM_CLIENT_SECRET) {
await createApp("tandem", "tandemvideo", ["conferencing"], "tandem_video", {
client_id: process.env.TANDEM_CLIENT_ID as string,
client_secret: process.env.TANDEM_CLIENT_SECRET as string,
base_url: (process.env.TANDEM_BASE_URL as string) || "",
if (process.env.ZOOM_CLIENT_ID && process.env.ZOOM_CLIENT_SECRET) {
await createApp("zoom", "zoomvideo", ["conferencing"], "zoom_video", {
client_id: process.env.ZOOM_CLIENT_ID,
client_secret: process.env.ZOOM_CLIENT_SECRET,
await createApp("jitsi", "jitsivideo", ["conferencing"], "jitsi_video");
// Other apps
if (process.env.HUBSPOT_CLIENT_ID && process.env.HUBSPOT_CLIENT_SECRET) {
await createApp("hubspot", "hubspot", ["crm"], "hubspot_other_calendar", {
client_id: process.env.HUBSPOT_CLIENT_ID,
client_secret: process.env.HUBSPOT_CLIENT_SECRET,
await createApp("salesforce", "salesforce", ["crm"], "salesforce_other_calendar", {
consumer_key: process.env.SALESFORCE_CONSUMER_KEY,
consumer_secret: process.env.SALESFORCE_CONSUMER_SECRET,
if (process.env.ZOHOCRM_CLIENT_ID && process.env.ZOHOCRM_CLIENT_SECRET) {
await createApp("zohocrm", "zohocrm", ["crm"], "zohocrm_other_calendar", {
client_id: process.env.ZOHOCRM_CLIENT_ID,
client_secret: process.env.ZOHOCRM_CLIENT_SECRET,
await createApp("wipe-my-cal", "wipemycalother", ["automation"], "wipemycal_other");
if (process.env.GIPHY_API_KEY) {
await createApp("giphy", "giphy", ["other"], "giphy_other", {
api_key: process.env.GIPHY_API_KEY,
if (process.env.VITAL_API_KEY && process.env.VITAL_WEBHOOK_SECRET) {
await createApp("vital-automation", "vital", ["automation"], "vital_other", {
mode: process.env.VITAL_DEVELOPMENT_MODE || "sandbox",
region: process.env.VITAL_REGION || "us",
api_key: process.env.VITAL_API_KEY,
webhook_secret: process.env.VITAL_WEBHOOK_SECRET,
if (process.env.ZAPIER_INVITE_LINK) {
await createApp("zapier", "zapier", ["automation"], "zapier_automation", {
invite_link: process.env.ZAPIER_INVITE_LINK,
await createApp("huddle01", "huddle01video", ["conferencing"], "huddle01_video");
// Payment apps
if (
process.env.STRIPE_CLIENT_ID &&
process.env.STRIPE_PRIVATE_KEY &&
process.env.PAYMENT_FEE_FIXED &&
) {
await createApp("stripe", "stripepayment", ["payment"], "stripe_payment", {
client_id: process.env.STRIPE_CLIENT_ID,
client_secret: process.env.STRIPE_PRIVATE_KEY,
payment_fee_fixed: Number(process.env.PAYMENT_FEE_FIXED),
payment_fee_percentage: Number(process.env.PAYMENT_FEE_PERCENTAGE),
public_key: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY,
webhook_secret: process.env.STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET,
for (const [, app] of Object.entries(appStoreMetadata)) {
if (app.isTemplate && process.argv[2] !== "seed-templates") {
const validatedCategories = app.categories.filter(
(category): category is AppCategories => category in AppCategories
await createApp(
app.dirName ?? app.slug,
await seedAppData();
.catch((e) => {
.finally(async () => {
await prisma.$disconnect();