Omar López 54cefcb16e
Upgrades yarn v1 to v3. Improves CI times by 2x (#7738)
* Create env file workflow

* Add env-cache

* Fix env setter

* Fix

* Another fix

* Fix

* Fix

* Fixes


* Fix

* Fix

* Fix

* Fix

* Fix

* Cache fixes

* Fixes

* Adds skipping steps

* db-cache fixes

* Test

* Cache fixes

* e2e

* Possible caching conflicts

* Running out of ideas

* Caching is hard

* One more time

* cache-build not skipping

* Fingers crossed

* a

* Test

* Pls

* Please


* Build fix

* fix

* Whitespace!!

* Zomars/cal 884 paid events not sending the link (#7318)


* Sends correct emails for paid bookings

* Update PaymentService.ts

* Update webhook.ts

* Update webhook.ts

* Update settings back button redirect link (#7403)

* fix(schedule): close on click #7143

* fix(EventSetupTab): validLocations length will always match validLocations length #7138

* fix(SettingsLayout): go back to right route #7379

* feat: get country code from ip geolocation (#6880)

* feat: get coutnry code from ip geolocation

Signed-off-by: Udit Takkar <>

* fix: create new api route for fetching code

Signed-off-by: Udit Takkar <>

* chore: replace city with country

Signed-off-by: Udit Takkar <>

* refactor: create hook for country

Signed-off-by: Udit Takkar <>


Signed-off-by: Udit Takkar <>

* Team Workflows (#7038)

Co-authored-by: Hariom Balhara <>
Co-authored-by: CarinaWolli <>
Co-authored-by: zomars <>
Co-authored-by: Peer Richelsen <>

* Add destination calendar name to DestinationCalendarSelector (#6701)

* Add destination calendar name

* Type fix

* Search through calendars only for destination calendar credential

* Refactor get connected calendars

* Clean up


Co-authored-by: zomars <>

* Update viewer.tsx (#7428)

* Fix - add team members to emails (#7207)

* On booking add team members & translation

* Add team members to round robin create

* Only update calendars on reschedule if there is a calendar reference

* Send email on reschedules

* Send team email on cancelled event

* Add team members to calendar event description

* Clean up

* Convert other emails to organizer & teams

* Type check fixes

* More type fixes

* Change organizer scheduled input to an object

* early return updateCalendarEvent

* Introduce team member type

* Fix type errors

* Put team members before attendees

* Remove lodash cloneDeep

* Update packages/core/EventManager.ts

Co-authored-by: Omar López <>

* Remove booking select object

* Revert "Remove booking select object"

This reverts commit 9f121ff4eb.

* Refactor email manager (#7270)

Co-authored-by: zomars <>

* Type change

* Remove conditional check for updateAllCalendarEvents


Co-authored-by: zomars <>

* Typefix

* Updates webhook response

* Update pr.yml

* Update action.yml

* Update action.yml

* Update action.yml

* Update action.yml

* Update action.yml

* Is this redundant?

* Removed setup

* Update action.yml

* Update action.yml

* Consolitades setup step

* Revert "Consolitades setup step"

This reverts commit 5e8d1983cc.

* Fix?

* One more time

* Revert "One more time"

This reverts commit fd8b559a13.

* Benchmarking buildjet

* Update action.yml

* Re-introduce setup

* Adds embeds to missing pro cache

* Lint fixes

* Adds prettier ignore

* Upgrades to yarn 3

* Updates lockfile

* Reverts CI to ubuntu

* Testing new yarn install

* We cannot use immutable due to our private submodules

* Adds CI skip

* Fixes

* Adds plugin

* Forces local embed package

* Moves eslint to root

* Update yarn.lock

* Playwright fixes

* Embed test fixes

* Splits embed react tests

* Splits embed react tests

* Removes install step to benchmark

* Update playwright.config.ts

* One playwright config for all

* More test fixes

* Update basic.e2e.ts

* Added typescript as a global monorepo dev

* Update to v18

* Update yarn.lock

* Update env-create-file.yml

* Update .github/workflows/pr.yml


Signed-off-by: Udit Takkar <>
Co-authored-by: Esaú Morais <>
Co-authored-by: Udit Takkar <>
Co-authored-by: Carina Wollendorfer <>
Co-authored-by: Hariom Balhara <>
Co-authored-by: CarinaWolli <>
Co-authored-by: Peer Richelsen <>
Co-authored-by: Joe Au-Yeung <>
2023-03-15 15:01:04 -07:00

249 lines
7.7 KiB

import type { Frame, PlaywrightTestConfig } from "@playwright/test";
import { devices, expect } from "@playwright/test";
import dotEnv from "dotenv";
import * as os from "os";
import * as path from "path";
dotEnv.config({ path: ".env" });
const outputDir = path.join(__dirname, "test-results");
// Dev Server on local can be slow to start up and process requests. So, keep timeouts really high on local, so that tests run reliably locally
// So, if not in CI, keep the timers high, if the test is stuck somewhere and there is unnecessary wait developer can see in browser that it's stuck
const DEFAULT_NAVIGATION_TIMEOUT = process.env.CI ? 15000 : 50000;
const DEFAULT_EXPECT_TIMEOUT = process.env.CI ? 10000 : 50000;
// Test Timeout can hit due to slow expect, slow navigation.
// So, it should me much higher than sum of expect and navigation timeouts as there can be many async expects and navigations in a single test
const DEFAULT_TEST_TIMEOUT = process.env.CI ? 60000 : 120000;
const headless = !!process.env.CI || !!process.env.PLAYWRIGHT_HEADLESS;
const IS_EMBED_TEST = process.argv.some((a) => a.startsWith("--project=@calcom/embed-core"));
const IS_EMBED_REACT_TEST = process.argv.some((a) => a.startsWith("--project=@calcom/embed-react"));
const webServer: PlaywrightTestConfig["webServer"] = [
command: "NEXT_PUBLIC_IS_E2E=1 yarn workspace @calcom/web start -p 3000",
port: 3000,
timeout: 60_000,
reuseExistingServer: !process.env.CI,
command: "yarn workspace @calcom/embed-core dev",
port: 3100,
timeout: 60_000,
reuseExistingServer: !process.env.CI,
command: "yarn workspace @calcom/embed-react dev",
port: 3101,
timeout: 60_000,
reuseExistingServer: !process.env.CI,
const config: PlaywrightTestConfig = {
forbidOnly: !!process.env.CI,
retries: 2,
workers: os.cpus().length,
maxFailures: headless ? 10 : undefined,
fullyParallel: true,
reporter: [
[process.env.CI ? "github" : "list"],
["html", { outputFolder: "./test-results/reports/playwright-html-report", open: "never" }],
["junit", { outputFile: "./test-results/reports/results.xml" }],
outputDir: path.join(outputDir, "results"),
use: {
baseURL: "http://localhost:3000/",
locale: "en-US",
trace: "retain-on-failure",
projects: [
name: "@calcom/web",
testDir: "./apps/web/playwright",
testMatch: /.*\.e2e\.tsx?/,
expect: {
use: {
...devices["Desktop Chrome"],
/** If navigation takes more than this, then something's wrong, let's fail fast. */
name: "@calcom/app-store",
testDir: "./packages/app-store/",
testMatch: /.*\.e2e\.tsx?/,
expect: {
use: {
...devices["Desktop Chrome"],
/** If navigation takes more than this, then something's wrong, let's fail fast. */
name: "@calcom/embed-core",
testDir: "./packages/embeds/embed-core/",
testMatch: /.*\.(e2e|test)\.tsx?/,
use: { ...devices["Desktop Chrome"] },
name: "@calcom/embed-react",
testDir: "./packages/embeds/embed-react/",
testMatch: /.*\.(e2e|test)\.tsx?/,
use: { ...devices["Desktop Chrome"] },
name: "@calcom/embed-core--firefox",
testDir: "./packages/embeds/",
testMatch: /.*\.e2e\.tsx?/,
use: { ...devices["Desktop Firefox"] },
name: "@calcom/embed-core--webkit",
testDir: "./packages/embeds/",
testMatch: /.*\.e2e\.tsx?/,
use: { ...devices["Desktop Safari"] },
export type ExpectedUrlDetails = {
searchParams?: Record<string, string | string[]>;
pathname?: string;
origin?: string;
async toBeEmbedCalLink(
iframe: Frame,
calNamespace: string,
//TODO: Move it to testUtil, so that it doesn't need to be passed
// eslint-disable-next-line
getActionFiredDetails: (a: { calNamespace: string; actionType: string }) => Promise<any>,
expectedUrlDetails: ExpectedUrlDetails = {}
) {
if (!iframe || !iframe.url) {
return {
pass: false,
message: () => `Expected to provide an iframe, got ${iframe}`,
const u = new URL(iframe.url());
const frameElement = await iframe.frameElement();
if (!(await frameElement.isVisible())) {
return {
pass: false,
message: () => `Expected iframe to be visible`,
const pathname = u.pathname;
const expectedPathname = expectedUrlDetails.pathname + "/embed";
if (expectedPathname && expectedPathname !== pathname) {
return {
pass: false,
message: () => `Expected pathname to be ${expectedPathname} but got ${pathname}`,
const origin = u.origin;
const expectedOrigin = expectedUrlDetails.origin;
if (expectedOrigin && expectedOrigin !== origin) {
return {
pass: false,
message: () => `Expected origin to be ${expectedOrigin} but got ${origin}`,
const searchParams = u.searchParams;
const expectedSearchParams = expectedUrlDetails.searchParams || {};
for (const [expectedKey, expectedValue] of Object.entries(expectedSearchParams)) {
const value = searchParams.get(expectedKey);
if (value !== expectedValue) {
return {
message: () => `${expectedKey} should have value ${expectedValue} but got value ${value}`,
pass: false,
let iframeReadyCheckInterval;
const iframeReadyEventDetail = await new Promise(async (resolve) => {
iframeReadyCheckInterval = setInterval(async () => {
const iframeReadyEventDetail = await getActionFiredDetails({
actionType: "linkReady",
if (iframeReadyEventDetail) {
}, 500);
//At this point we know that window.initialBodyVisibility would be set as DOM would already have been ready(because linkReady event can only fire after that)
const {
visibility: visibilityBefore,
background: backgroundBefore,
} = await iframe.evaluate(() => {
return {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
visibility: window.initialBodyVisibility,
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
background: window.initialBodyBackground,
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
initialValuesSet: window.initialValuesSet,
const { visibility: visibilityAfter, background: backgroundAfter } = await iframe.evaluate(() => {
return {
if (!iframeReadyEventDetail) {
return {
pass: false,
message: () => `Iframe not ready to communicate with parent`,
return {
pass: true,
message: () => `passed`,
export default config;