DmytroHryshyn 0dddc2224a
chore: [app-router-migration-9] Migrate apps/index page (#12775)
Co-authored-by: zomars <>
2024-01-04 14:36:31 -07:00

498 lines
18 KiB

import { expect } from "@playwright/test";
import { IS_TEAM_BILLING_ENABLED } from "@calcom/lib/constants";
import { prisma } from "@calcom/prisma";
import { MembershipRole, SchedulingType } from "@calcom/prisma/enums";
import { test } from "./lib/fixtures";
import {
} from "./lib/testUtils";
test.describe.configure({ mode: "parallel" });
test.describe("Teams A/B tests", () => {
test("should point to the /future/teams page", async ({ page, users, context }) => {
await context.addCookies([
name: "x-calcom-future-routes-override",
value: "1",
url: "http://localhost:3000",
const user = await users.create();
await user.apiLogin();
await page.goto("/teams");
await page.waitForLoadState();
const dataNextJsRouter = await page.evaluate(() =>
const locator = page.getByRole("heading", { name: "teams" });
await expect(locator).toBeVisible();
test.describe("Teams - NonOrg", () => {
test.afterEach(({ users }) => users.deleteAll());
test("Team Onboarding Invite Members", async ({ page, users }) => {
const user = await users.create(undefined, { hasTeam: true });
const { team } = await user.getFirstTeamMembership();
const inviteeEmail = `${user.username}`;
await user.apiLogin();
await test.step("Can add members", async () => {
// Click [data-testid="new-member-button"]
await page.locator('[data-testid="new-member-button"]').click();
// Fill [placeholder="email\@example\.com"]
await page.locator('[placeholder="email\\@example\\.com"]').fill(inviteeEmail);
// Click [data-testid="invite-new-member-button"]
await page.locator('[data-testid="invite-new-member-button"]').click();
await expect(page.locator(`li:has-text("${inviteeEmail}")`)).toBeVisible();
expect(await page.locator('[data-testid="pending-member-item"]').count()).toBe(2);
await test.step("Can remove members", async () => {
const removeMemberButton = page.locator('[data-testid="remove-member-button"]');
await removeMemberButton.waitFor({ state: "hidden" });
expect(await page.locator('[data-testid="pending-member-item"]').count()).toBe(1);
// Cleanup here since this user is created without our fixtures.
await prisma.user.delete({ where: { email: inviteeEmail } });
await test.step("Finishing brings you to team profile page", async () => {
await page.locator("[data-testid=publish-button]").click();
await expect(page).toHaveURL(/\/settings\/teams\/(\d+)\/profile$/i);
await test.step("Can disband team", async () => {
await page.locator("text=Disband Team").click();
await page.locator("text=Yes, disband team").click();
await page.waitForURL("/teams");
await expect(await page.locator(`text=${user.username}'s Team`).count()).toEqual(0);
// FLAKY: If other tests are running async this may mean there are >0 teams, empty screen will not be shown.
// await expect(page.locator('[data-testid="empty-screen"]')).toBeVisible();
test("Can create a booking for Collective EventType", async ({ page, users }) => {
const teamMatesObj = [
{ name: "teammate-1" },
{ name: "teammate-2" },
{ name: "teammate-3" },
{ name: "teammate-4" },
const owner = await users.create(
{ username: "pro-user", name: "pro-user" },
hasTeam: true,
teammates: teamMatesObj,
schedulingType: SchedulingType.COLLECTIVE,
const { team } = await owner.getFirstTeamMembership();
const { title: teamEventTitle, slug: teamEventSlug } = await owner.getFirstTeamEvent(;
await page.goto(`/team/${team.slug}/${teamEventSlug}`);
await selectFirstAvailableTimeSlotNextMonth(page);
await bookTimeSlot(page);
await expect(page.locator("[data-testid=success-page]")).toBeVisible();
// The title of the booking
const BookingTitle = `${teamEventTitle} between ${} and ${testName}`;
await expect(page.locator("[data-testid=booking-title]")).toHaveText(BookingTitle);
// The booker should be in the attendee list
await expect(page.locator(`[data-testid="attendee-name-${testName}"]`)).toHaveText(testName);
// All the teammates should be in the booking
for (const teammate of teamMatesObj) {
await expect(page.getByText(, { exact: true })).toBeVisible();
// TODO: Assert whether the user received an email
test("Can create a booking for Round Robin EventType", async ({ page, users }) => {
const teamMatesObj = [
{ name: "teammate-1" },
{ name: "teammate-2" },
{ name: "teammate-3" },
{ name: "teammate-4" },
const owner = await users.create(
{ username: "pro-user", name: "pro-user" },
hasTeam: true,
teammates: teamMatesObj,
schedulingType: SchedulingType.ROUND_ROBIN,
const { team } = await owner.getFirstTeamMembership();
const { title: teamEventTitle, slug: teamEventSlug } = await owner.getFirstTeamEvent(;
await page.goto(`/team/${team.slug}/${teamEventSlug}`);
await selectFirstAvailableTimeSlotNextMonth(page);
await bookTimeSlot(page);
await expect(page.locator("[data-testid=success-page]")).toBeVisible();
// The person who booked the meeting should be in the attendee list
await expect(page.locator(`[data-testid="attendee-name-${testName}"]`)).toHaveText(testName);
// The title of the booking
const BookingTitle = `${teamEventTitle} between ${} and ${testName}`;
await expect(page.locator("[data-testid=booking-title]")).toHaveText(BookingTitle);
// Since all the users have the same leastRecentlyBooked value
// Anyone of the teammates could be the Host of the booking.
const chosenUser = await page.getByTestId("booking-host-name").textContent();
expect(teamMatesObj.concat([{ name:! }]).some(({ name }) => name === chosenUser)).toBe(true);
// TODO: Assert whether the user received an email
test("Non admin team members cannot create team in org", async ({ page, users }) => {
const teamMateName = "teammate-1";
const owner = await users.create(undefined, {
hasTeam: true,
isOrg: true,
teammates: [{ name: teamMateName }],
const allUsers = await users.get();
const memberUser = allUsers.find((user) => === teamMateName);
// eslint-disable-next-line playwright/no-conditional-in-test
if (memberUser) {
await memberUser.apiLogin();
await page.goto("/teams");
await expect(page.locator("[data-testid=new-team-btn]")).toBeHidden();
await expect(page.locator("[data-testid=create-team-btn]")).toHaveAttribute("disabled", "");
const uniqueName = "test-unique-team-name";
// Go directly to the create team page
await page.goto("/settings/teams/new");
// Fill input[name="name"]
await page.locator('input[name="name"]').fill(uniqueName);
// cleanup
const org = await owner.getOrgMembership();
await{ where: { id: org.teamId } });
test("Can create team with same name as user", async ({ page, users }) => {
const user = await users.create();
// Name to be used for both user and team
const uniqueName = user.username!;
await user.apiLogin();
await page.goto("/teams");
await test.step("Can create team with same name", async () => {
// Click text=Create Team
await page.locator("text=Create Team").click();
await page.waitForURL("/settings/teams/new");
// Fill input[name="name"]
await page.locator('input[name="name"]').fill(uniqueName);
// Click text=Continue
// TODO: Figure out a way to make this more reliable
// eslint-disable-next-line playwright/no-conditional-in-test
if (IS_TEAM_BILLING_ENABLED) await fillStripeTestCheckout(page);
await page.waitForURL(/\/settings\/teams\/(\d+)\/onboard-members.*$/i);
// Click text=Continue
await page.locator("[data-testid=publish-button]").click();
await expect(page).toHaveURL(/\/settings\/teams\/(\d+)\/profile$/i);
await test.step("Can access user and team with same slug", async () => {
// Go to team page and confirm name
const teamUrl = `/team/${uniqueName}`;
await page.goto(teamUrl);
await page.waitForURL(teamUrl);
await expect(page.locator("[data-testid=team-name]")).toHaveText(uniqueName);
// Go to user page and confirm name
const userUrl = `/${uniqueName}`;
await page.goto(userUrl);
await page.waitForURL(userUrl);
await expect(page.locator("[data-testid=name-title]")).toHaveText(uniqueName);
// cleanup team
await{ where: { slug: uniqueName } });
test("Can create a private team", async ({ page, users }) => {
const teamMatesObj = [
{ name: "teammate-1" },
{ name: "teammate-2" },
{ name: "teammate-3" },
{ name: "teammate-4" },
const owner = await users.create(
{ username: "pro-user", name: "pro-user" },
hasTeam: true,
teammates: teamMatesObj,
schedulingType: SchedulingType.COLLECTIVE,
await owner.apiLogin();
const { team } = await owner.getFirstTeamMembership();
// Mark team as private
await page.goto(`/settings/teams/${}/members`);
await expect(page.locator(`[data-testid=make-team-private-check][data-state="checked"]`)).toBeVisible();
// according to switch implementation, checked state can be set before mutation is resolved
// so we need to await for req to resolve
await page.waitForResponse((res) => res.url().includes("/api/trpc/teams/update"));
// Go to Team's page
await page.goto(`/team/${team.slug}`);
await expect(page.locator('[data-testid="book-a-team-member-btn"]')).toBeHidden();
// Go to members page
await page.goto(`/team/${team.slug}?members=1`);
await expect(page.locator('[data-testid="you-cannot-see-team-members"]')).toBeVisible();
await expect(page.locator('[data-testid="team-members-container"]')).toBeHidden();
todo("Create a Round Robin with different leastRecentlyBooked hosts");
todo("Reschedule a Collective EventType booking");
todo("Reschedule a Round Robin EventType booking");
test.describe("Teams - Org", () => {
test.afterEach(({ orgs, users }) => {
test("Can create teams via Wizard", async ({ page, users, orgs }) => {
const org = await orgs.create({
name: "TestOrg",
const user = await users.create({
roleInOrganization: MembershipRole.ADMIN,
const inviteeEmail = `${user.username}`;
await user.apiLogin();
await page.goto("/teams");
await test.step("Can create team", async () => {
// Click text=Create Team
await page.locator("text=Create a new Team").click();
await page.waitForURL((url) => url.pathname === "/settings/teams/new");
// Fill input[name="name"]
await page.locator('input[name="name"]').fill(`${user.username}'s Team`);
// Click text=Continue
// TODO: Figure out a way to make this more reliable
// eslint-disable-next-line playwright/no-conditional-in-test
if (IS_TEAM_BILLING_ENABLED) await fillStripeTestCheckout(page);
await expect(page).toHaveURL(/\/settings\/teams\/(\d+)\/onboard-members.*$/i);
await page.waitForSelector('[data-testid="pending-member-list"]');
expect(await page.getByTestId("pending-member-item").count()).toBe(1);
await test.step("Can add members", async () => {
await page.getByTestId("new-member-button").click();
await page.locator('[placeholder="email\\@example\\.com"]').fill(inviteeEmail);
await page.getByTestId("invite-new-member-button").click();
await expect(page.locator(`li:has-text("${inviteeEmail}")`)).toBeVisible();
// locator.count() does not await for the expected number of elements
// using toHaveCount() is more reliable
await expect(page.getByTestId("pending-member-item")).toHaveCount(2);
await test.step("Can remove members", async () => {
await expect(page.getByTestId("pending-member-item")).toHaveCount(2);
const lastRemoveMemberButton = page.getByTestId("remove-member-button").last();
await page.waitForLoadState("networkidle");
await expect(page.getByTestId("pending-member-item")).toHaveCount(1);
// Cleanup here since this user is created without our fixtures.
await prisma.user.delete({ where: { email: inviteeEmail } });
await test.step("Can finish team creation", async () => {
await page.getByTestId("publish-button").click();
await expect(page).toHaveURL(/\/settings\/teams\/(\d+)\/profile$/i);
await test.step("Can disband team", async () => {
await page.waitForURL(/\/settings\/teams\/(\d+)\/profile$/i);
await page.getByTestId("disband-team-button").click();
await page.getByTestId("dialog-confirmation").click();
await page.waitForURL("/teams");
expect(await page.locator(`text=${user.username}'s Team`).count()).toEqual(0);
test("Can create a booking for Collective EventType", async ({ page, users, orgs }) => {
const org = await orgs.create({
name: "TestOrg",
const teamMatesObj = [
{ name: "teammate-1" },
{ name: "teammate-2" },
{ name: "teammate-3" },
{ name: "teammate-4" },
const owner = await users.create(
username: "pro-user",
name: "pro-user",
roleInOrganization: MembershipRole.MEMBER,
hasTeam: true,
teammates: teamMatesObj,
schedulingType: SchedulingType.COLLECTIVE,
const { team } = await owner.getFirstTeamMembership();
const { title: teamEventTitle, slug: teamEventSlug } = await owner.getFirstTeamEvent(;
await page.goto(`/team/${team.slug}/${teamEventSlug}`);
await expect(page.locator(`text=${NotFoundPageText}`)).toBeVisible();
await doOnOrgDomain(
orgSlug: org.slug,
async () => {
await page.goto(`/team/${team.slug}/${teamEventSlug}`);
await selectFirstAvailableTimeSlotNextMonth(page);
await bookTimeSlot(page);
await expect(page.getByTestId("success-page")).toBeVisible();
// The title of the booking
const BookingTitle = `${teamEventTitle} between ${} and ${testName}`;
await expect(page.getByTestId("booking-title")).toHaveText(BookingTitle);
// The booker should be in the attendee list
await expect(page.getByTestId(`attendee-name-${testName}`)).toHaveText(testName);
// All the teammates should be in the booking
for (const teammate of teamMatesObj.concat([{ name: || "" }])) {
await expect(page.getByText(, { exact: true })).toBeVisible();
// TODO: Assert whether the user received an email
test("Can create a booking for Round Robin EventType", async ({ page, users }) => {
const teamMatesObj = [
{ name: "teammate-1" },
{ name: "teammate-2" },
{ name: "teammate-3" },
{ name: "teammate-4" },
const owner = await users.create(
{ username: "pro-user", name: "pro-user" },
hasTeam: true,
teammates: teamMatesObj,
schedulingType: SchedulingType.ROUND_ROBIN,
const { team } = await owner.getFirstTeamMembership();
const { title: teamEventTitle, slug: teamEventSlug } = await owner.getFirstTeamEvent(;
await page.goto(`/team/${team.slug}/${teamEventSlug}`);
await selectFirstAvailableTimeSlotNextMonth(page);
await bookTimeSlot(page);
await expect(page.locator("[data-testid=success-page]")).toBeVisible();
// The person who booked the meeting should be in the attendee list
await expect(page.getByTestId(`attendee-name-${testName}`)).toHaveText(testName);
// The title of the booking
const BookingTitle = `${teamEventTitle} between ${} and ${testName}`;
await expect(page.getByTestId("booking-title")).toHaveText(BookingTitle);
// Since all the users have the same leastRecentlyBooked value
// Anyone of the teammates could be the Host of the booking.
const chosenUser = await page.getByTestId("booking-host-name").textContent();
expect(teamMatesObj.concat([{ name:! }]).some(({ name }) => name === chosenUser)).toBe(true);
// TODO: Assert whether the user received an email
test("Can access booking page with event slug and team page in lowercase/uppercase/mixedcase", async ({
}) => {
const org = await orgs.create({
name: "TestOrg",
const teamMatesObj = [
{ name: "teammate-1" },
{ name: "teammate-2" },
{ name: "teammate-3" },
{ name: "teammate-4" },
const owner = await users.create(
username: "pro-user",
name: "pro-user",
roleInOrganization: MembershipRole.MEMBER,
hasTeam: true,
teammates: teamMatesObj,
schedulingType: SchedulingType.COLLECTIVE,
const { team } = await owner.getFirstTeamMembership();
const { slug: teamEventSlug } = await owner.getFirstTeamEvent(;
const teamSlugUpperCase = team.slug?.toUpperCase();
const teamEventSlugUpperCase = teamEventSlug.toUpperCase();
// This is the most closest to the actual user flow as maps to /org/orgSlug
await page.goto(`/org/${org.slug}/${teamSlugUpperCase}/${teamEventSlugUpperCase}`);
await page.waitForSelector("[data-testid=day]");