Anwar Sadath 1b8ecbe449
[CAL-1008] Fix 'All Bookings' filter not getting selected after coming from 'Your Bookings' (#8902)
* [CAL-1008] Fix 'All Bookings' filter not getting selected after coming from 'Your Bookings'

* Remove optional param from removeAllQueryParams function

* Remove setQuery from the extraction


Co-authored-by: Joe Au-Yeung <>
Co-authored-by: alannnc <>
2023-05-19 22:50:57 +00:00

105 lines
3.6 KiB

import { useRouter } from "next/router";
import { useCallback, useMemo } from "react";
import { z } from "zod";
type OptionalKeys<T> = { [K in keyof T]-?: Record<string, unknown> extends Pick<T, K> ? K : never }[keyof T];
type FilteredKeys<T, U> = { [K in keyof T as T[K] extends U ? K : never]: T[K] };
// Take array as a string and return zod array
export const queryNumberArray = z
.transform((a) => {
if (typeof a === "string") return a.split(",").map((a) => Number(a));
if (Array.isArray(a)) return a;
return [a];
// Take array as a string and return zod number array
// Take string and return return zod string array - comma separated
export const queryStringArray = z
.preprocess((a) => z.string().parse(a).split(","), z.string().array())
export function useTypedQuery<T extends z.AnyZodObject>(schema: T) {
type Output = z.infer<typeof schema>;
type FullOutput = Required<Output>;
type OutputKeys = Required<keyof FullOutput>;
type OutputOptionalKeys = OptionalKeys<Output>;
type ArrayOutput = FilteredKeys<FullOutput, Array<unknown>>;
type ArrayOutputKeys = keyof ArrayOutput;
const { query: unparsedQuery, ...router } = useRouter();
const parsedQuerySchema = schema.safeParse(unparsedQuery);
let parsedQuery: Output = useMemo(() => {
return {} as Output;
}, []);
if (parsedQuerySchema.success) parsedQuery =;
else if (!parsedQuerySchema.success) console.error(parsedQuerySchema.error);
// Set the query based on schema values
const setQuery = useCallback(
function setQuery<J extends OutputKeys>(key: J, value: Output[J]) {
// Remove old value by key so we can merge new value
const { [key]: _, ...newQuery } = parsedQuery;
const newValue = { ...newQuery, [key]: value };
const search = new URLSearchParams(newValue as any).toString();
router.replace({ query: search }, undefined, { shallow: true });
[parsedQuery, router]
// Delete a key from the query
function removeByKey(key: OutputOptionalKeys) {
const { [key]: _, ...newQuery } = parsedQuery;
router.replace({ query: newQuery as Output }, undefined, { shallow: true });
// push item to existing key
function pushItemToKey<J extends ArrayOutputKeys>(key: J, value: ArrayOutput[J][number]) {
const existingValue = parsedQuery[key];
if (Array.isArray(existingValue)) {
if (existingValue.includes(value)) return; // prevent adding the same value to the array
// @ts-expect-error this is too much for TS it seems
setQuery(key, [...existingValue, value]);
} else {
// @ts-expect-error this is too much for TS it seems
setQuery(key, [value]);
// Remove item by key and value
function removeItemByKeyAndValue<J extends ArrayOutputKeys>(key: J, value: ArrayOutput[J][number]) {
const existingValue = parsedQuery[key];
if (Array.isArray(existingValue) && existingValue.length > 1) {
// @ts-expect-error this is too much for TS it seems
const newValue = existingValue.filter((item) => item !== value);
setQuery(key, newValue);
} else {
// @ts-expect-error this is too much for TS it seems
// Remove all query params from the URL
function removeAllQueryParams() {
const { asPath } = router;
const newPath = asPath.split("?")[0];
router.replace(newPath, undefined, { shallow: true });
return {
data: parsedQuery,