package devcmd import ( "context" "flag" "fmt" "log/slog" "net" "net/http" "" "" "" "" apiserver "" devuiserver "" healthcheckserver "" authmiddleware "" oidcserver "" shortserver "" staticssterver "" configservice "" oidcservice "" shortservice "" shortlogservice "" tokenservice "" userservice "" handlerutils "" "" "" "" "" "" ) func New(cfg *config.Config) *ffcli.Command { // Create the flagset and register the flags. fs := flag.NewFlagSet("goshort dev", flag.ContinueOnError) shared.RegisterBaseFlags(fs, cfg) shared.RegisterServerFlags(fs, cfg) // Create the command and options cmd := shared.NewCommand(cfg, exec) opts := shared.NewSharedCmdOptions() // Register the UI-port flag fs.StringVar(&cfg.UIPort, "ui-port", config.DefaultUIPort, "port to listen on for the UI") // Return the ffcli command. return &ffcli.Command{ Name: "dev", ShortUsage: "goshort dev [flags]", ShortHelp: "Starts the API and frontend servers in development mode", FlagSet: fs, Exec: cmd.Exec, Options: opts, } } func exec(ctx context.Context, cfg *config.Config) error { l := logging.FromCtx(ctx) l.Debug("Executing dev command", slog.Any("config", cfg)) eg, egCtx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx) // Start the API server eg.Go(func() error { return serveAPI(egCtx, cfg) }) // Start the UI server eg.Go(func() error { return serveUI(egCtx, cfg) }) // Wait for the context to be done if err := eg.Wait(); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error during dev servers execution, %w", err) } return nil } func serveAPI(ctx context.Context, cfg *config.Config) error { l := logging.FromCtx(ctx) // Create the new server srv := server.NewServer(cfg) // Create services storage := shared.InitStorage(ctx, cfg) err := storage.Start(ctx) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to start storage, %w", err) } defer func() { err := storage.Stop(ctx) if err != nil { l.Error("failed to stop storage", "error", err) } }() shortService := shortservice.NewShortService(storage) userService := userservice.NewUserService(cfg, storage) tokenService := tokenservice.NewTokenService(storage) shortLogService := shortlogservice.NewShortLogService(storage) oidcService := oidcservice.NewOIDCService(ctx, cfg) configService := configservice.NewConfigService(cfg) // Start short log worker stopWorker, _ := shortLogService.StartWorker(ctx) defer stopWorker() // Create handlers apiHandler := apiserver.NewAPIHandler(shortService, userService, tokenService, shortLogService, configService) shortHandler := shortserver.NewShortHandler(shortService, shortLogService) healthcheckHandler := healthcheckserver.NewHealthcheckHandler(storage) docsHandler := staticssterver.NewStaticHandler(cfg, "/api/docs", docs.Assets()) oidcHandler := oidcserver.NewOIDCHandler(cfg, oidcService, userService) // Create routers apiRouter := apiserver.NewAPIRouter(apiHandler) shortRouter := shortserver.NewShortRouter(shortHandler) healthcheckRouter := healthcheckserver.NewHealthcheckRouter(healthcheckHandler) docsRouter := staticssterver.NewStaticRouter(docsHandler) oidcRouter := oidcserver.NewOIDCRouter(oidcHandler) // Create the root URL handler by chaining short and NotFound handlers chainedRouter := handlerutils.NewChainedHandler(shortRouter, http.NotFoundHandler()) // Configure app routes srv.Mux.Route("/api", func(r chi.Router) { // Set CORS headers for API routes in development mode r.Use(cors.Handler(cors.Options{ AllowedOrigins: []string{ "http://" + net.JoinHostPort(cfg.Host, cfg.UIPort), }, AllowedMethods: []string{"GET", "POST", "PATCH", "DELETE", "OPTIONS"}, AllowCredentials: true, })) r.Use(authmiddleware.Auth(userService, tokenService)) r.Mount("/docs", docsRouter) r.Mount("/", apiRouter) }) // Register OIDC routes if the service is enabled if oidcService != nil { srv.Mux.Mount("/odc", oidcRouter) } srv.Mux.Mount("/healthz", healthcheckRouter) srv.Mux.Mount("/", chainedRouter) if err := srv.ListenAndServe(ctx); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error during API server execution, %w", err) } return nil } func serveUI(ctx context.Context, cfg *config.Config) error { // Create the UI server srv := devuiserver.NewServer(cfg) if err := srv.ListenAndServe(ctx); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error during UI server execution, %w", err) } return nil }