Gustavo Maronato f06e933a80
Some checks failed
Build / build (push) Failing after 6m2s
remove unused go stuff
2023-08-30 21:33:57 -03:00

115 lines
3.4 KiB

package bunstorage
import (
type UserModel struct {
bun.BaseModel `bun:"table:users,alias:u"`
// ID is the primary key
ID string `bun:",pk,unique,notnull" json:"id"`
// Username is the user's username
Username string `bun:",unique,notnull" json:"username"`
// Password is the user's password
Password string `bun:",notnull" json:"-"`
// CreatedAt is when the user was created (initialized by the storage)
CreatedAt time.Time `bun:",notnull,default:current_timestamp" json:"createdAt"`
func (u *UserModel) toUser() *models.User {
return models.NewAuthenticatableUser(&models.User{
ID: u.ID,
Username: u.Username,
CreatedAt: u.CreatedAt,
}, u.Password)
type ShortModel struct {
bun.BaseModel `bun:"table:shorts,alias:s" json:"-"`
ID string `bun:",pk,unique,notnull" json:"id"`
// Name is the short's name, which is also the path to access it
Name string `bun:",unique,notnull" json:"name"`
// URL is the URL that the short will redirect to
URL string `bun:",notnull" json:"url"`
// Deleted is whether the short is soft-deleted or not
Deleted bool `bun:",notnull,default:false" json:"-"`
// CreatedAt is when the short was created (initialized by the storage)
CreatedAt time.Time `bun:",notnull,default:current_timestamp" json:"createdAt"`
// DeletedAt is when the short was deleted
DeletedAt time.Time `bun:"" json:"-"`
// UserID is the ID of the user that created the short
// This can be null if the short was deleted
UserID *string `json:"-"`
func (s *ShortModel) toShort() *models.Short {
return &models.Short{
ID: s.ID,
Name: s.Name,
CreatedAt: s.CreatedAt,
UserID: s.UserID,
type TokenModel struct {
bun.BaseModel `bun:"table:tokens,alias:t"`
// ID is the primary key
ID string `bun:",pk,unique,notnull" json:"id"`
// Name is the user-friendly name of the token
Name string `bun:",notnull" json:"name"`
// Value is the actual token
Value string `bun:",unique,notnull" json:"value"`
// CreatedAt is when the token was created (initialized by the storage)
CreatedAt time.Time `bun:",notnull,default:current_timestamp" json:"createdAt"`
// UserID is the ID of the user that created the token
UserID *string `bun:",notnull" json:"-"`
func (t *TokenModel) toToken() *models.Token {
return &models.Token{
ID: t.ID,
Name: t.Name,
Value: t.Value,
CreatedAt: t.CreatedAt,
UserID: t.UserID,
type ShortLogModel struct {
bun.BaseModel `bun:"table:short_logs,alias:sl"`
// ID is the primary key
ID string `bun:",pk,unique,notnull" json:"id"`
// IPAddress is the IP address of the client that accessed the short
IPAddress string `bun:"" json:"ipAddress"`
// UserAgent is the User-Agent of the client that accessed the short
UserAgent string `bun:"" json:"userAgent"`
// Referer is the referer of the client that accessed the short
Referer string `bun:"" json:"referer"`
// CreatedAt is when the short was accessed
CreatedAt time.Time `bun:",notnull,default:current_timestamp" json:"createdAt"`
// ShortID is the ID of the short that was accessed
ShortID string `bun:",notnull" json:"-"`
func (sl *ShortLogModel) toShortLog() *models.ShortLog {
return &models.ShortLog{
ID: sl.ID,
IPAddress: sl.IPAddress,
UserAgent: sl.UserAgent,
Referer: sl.Referer,
CreatedAt: sl.CreatedAt,
ShortID: sl.ShortID,