Gustavo Maronato be39b22ace
Some checks failed
Check / checks (push) Failing after 3m48s
2024-03-09 05:53:28 -05:00

86 lines
2.4 KiB

package sqlitestorage
import (
bunstorage "git.maronato.dev/maronato/goshort/internal/storage/bun"
_ "modernc.org/sqlite" // Import the SQLite driver.
// NewSQLiteStorage creates a new SQLite storage.
func NewSQLiteStorage(_ context.Context, cfg *config.Config) *bunstorage.BunStorage {
if cfg.DBType == config.DBTypeMemory {
cfg.DBURL = "file::memory:?cache=shared&mode=memory&_foreign_keys=1"
} else {
cfg.DBURL += "?_pragma=journal_mode=WAL&_pragma=foreign_keys=1"
sqldb, err := sql.Open("sqlite", cfg.DBURL)
if err != nil {
db := bun.NewDB(sqldb, sqlitedialect.New())
// Use Bun as the storage implementation.
strg := bunstorage.NewBunStorage(cfg, db)
// Config vacuuming of the database every hour.
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Hour)
tickerCtx, tickerCancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
// Start vacuuming the database when the storage is started.
strg.RegisterStartHook(func(ctx context.Context, activeDB *bun.DB) error {
// Vacuum now
_, err := activeDB.NewRaw("VACUUM").Exec(ctx)
if err != nil {
return errs.Errorf("failed to vacuum database: %w", err)
// Vacuum every hour, until the context is canceled.
go func() {
for {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
_, err := activeDB.NewRaw("VACUUM").Exec(ctx)
if err != nil {
panic(errs.Errorf("failed to vacuum database: %w", err))
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-tickerCtx.Done():
return nil
// So some cleaning up and optimization when the storage is stopped.
strg.RegisterStopHook(func(ctx context.Context, activeDB *bun.DB) error {
// Stop the ticker and cancel the ticker context.
// Run PRAGMA optimize to optimize the database.
// By this point, the passed context is likely cancelled, so we use the
// background context since otherwise the query will fail.
// This will delay the shutdown of the storage, but it'll be for a good cause.
// The user can force the shutdown by using SIGINT or SIGTERM.
noCancelCtx := context.WithoutCancel(ctx)
_, err := activeDB.NewRaw("PRAGMA optimize").Exec(noCancelCtx)
if err != nil {
return errs.Errorf("failed to optimize database: %w", err)
return nil
return strg